Town of Hickory Grove

Welcomes You!


The Town of Hickory Grove enjoys an intimate character of a small community. Hickory Grove has a strong historic core and a traditional lifestyle with religious roots. The first settlement in what is now the Town of Hickory Grove originated sometime in the late 1600's and early 1700's. It was granted a township charter in 1888.The area around what is now Hickory Grove was a good farming area with a river and several creeks that supplied water. The settlement was named Hickory Grove due to the hickory trees that grew there, which meant there was good soil for crops. Today, much of Hickory Grove's history can be seen through houses found on Wylie Avenue, Peachtree Street, and Smithford Street.

General Information

Pay Online

To pay your water bill online at, click 'Pay Your Utility Bill', and use Municipality code: HickoryGroveSC717. *Letters are case sensitive*


Building Rental

Senior Citizens building rental is $100 per day. For more information contact Town Hall at 803-925-2625 or Don Rhodes at 803-925-2436.


Town Council Meetings

Town Council Meeting every 2nd Monday each month.

Starts at 7pm



Bank Draft Authorization form available! Go to Other Links at top left.


Now accepting credit and debit cards for water utility payments. Use the link in the menu at the top left.


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